Wealthy Affiliate – Review 2017

  • Name – Wealthy Affiliate
  • Price – 0$ Starter Membership
  • Who is it for – Newbie to Expert
  • Owners – Kyle & Carson
  • Ranking – 98 out of 100
  • Already proven system for more than a full decade
  • Completely Free Starter Membership Account
  • All in one bundle – Simple yet powerful web builder multi-kit
  • From training to earning – From scratch to successful venture
  • Extremely newcomer-friendly & supportive community
Wealthy Affiliate – Legit or Scam?

Wealthy Affiliate is widely considered as number one educational platform online

It’s inexpensive yet very professional – to help you to start earning passive income. It boasts a massive social & interactive community like Facebook or Twitter & you can join it for free. No prior experience required & training is very easy to follow.

800 000+ members can’t be wrong – The ultimate goal is to help you to build a business

Online entrepreneur university such as this has the main focus to coach its members how to build a foundation for online business & grow it into a successful venture. It’s excellent for you if you’re a complete beginner & have no clue how to start.

Absolutely every essential tool that you need to build full time income online is available within Wealthy Affiliate

WA was founded in 2005 by Kyle & Carson, two incredibly successful marketers, who are also active members of this community by providing personal support. WA is a complete all round package, offering guidance & training as well as powerful technical support in easy to access & hassle-free shape. Be Beginner or Expert – It’s online entrepreneur paradise.


Legit Product Alert!

Wealthy Affiliate - Ranking 98 out of 100

Eager to Earn Money Online – Don’t know How to Start?

Newbie OR Veteran – Great for Both

New business? Existing business? It works either way, if you like to start your online business OR expand the existing one, this is the place to join & learn new tricks to reinforce your knowledge with experts help in this field.

Step by step guidance

No need to deny yourself support OR “re-invent the bicycle” – Simply ask for veterans assistance

If you have absolutely NO IDEA nor direction what to do, it’s OK, Wealthy Affiliate has pre-selected topics for you to help you to earn revenue. These guys are seriously dedicated, they have literally gone through every possible scenario to really help you out & make it work for you. Taking action, well.. that’s up to you!

..with Wealthy Affiliate you’ll get access to advanced in-depth training platform – Learn about the following business models:

  1. Affiliate marketing
  2. E-mail marketing
  3. Social media marketing
  1. Niche marketing
  2. Local marketing
  3. Content marketing
  1. Video marketing
  2. PPC marketing
  3. SEO marketing

In Wealthy Affiliate the Online Entrepreneur Training is in incredibly easy to follow & in convenient shape to pamper all the newcomers meanwhile in its professionalism scales up to expert levels.

Also, get ready for a mighty social platform – You can find many like-minded people within WA, who share similar goals with you & you can also talk to & ask personal help from the “big boys”, 6-figure-earning marketers themselves – The choice is yours..

It’s not a Get-Rich-Quick scheme

Time for Reality Check

1What WA is – It’s building websites at its best! Specifically, building a successful niche website for you that uses affiliate marketing as its main business model – Easiest & the most lucrative way to earn money online.

But of course, it’s not limited to this method only, you can do much more there. It’s great for building both: local businesses & non local businesses depending on your need.

From complete beginner to expert: Regardless of your expertise level, it takes time & serious dedication to build your “money making engine”. Wealthy Affiliate provides you the “shovel” BUT you have to do the “digging”.

Wealthy Affiliate provides you 24/7 support, guidance & every possible tool to help you to start online business PLUS covers your training for every possible online marketing business model out there that you can use to earn money.

Wealthy Affiliate is complete all-round package to help you to create full time income online for years to come.

2What WA isn’t – It’s not one of those dirty MLM-s! Wealthy Affiliate is not selling you a dream card that promises you instant riches overnight – This is long term affiliate marketing business not some trendy fad that goes away next year.

It’s educational platform & it definitely isn’t like one of those sleazy Multi Level Marketing businesses that has “yolo” attitude written all over the place that promises you that “easy way out”.

Regardless of business – Online OR Offline – They all equally require hard work & dedication! Anyone online who promises you to make over $1000 in the very first month is scam artist!

Anyone who forces you to pay a lot of money upfront to grant you the access to “advanced business secrets” is more than likely after your money to rip you off & actually does not intend to help you.

Wealthy Affiliate isn’t expensive since their main focus is on user experience.

     Top 3 options that Wealthy Affiliate provides for you


You can use each of them entirely separately, or in conjunction to benefit from all of them together

Pros VS Cons – Wealthy Affiliate – Make money from home


  • Free 0$ Membership – put your credit card away!
  • 2 free websites + free hosting included!
  • Earn while you learn!
  • Training levels from complete beginner to expert
  • Easy to follow, step by step training courses
  • 100’s of relevant topics – Text & video tutorials
  • Massive social platform – Live & interactive community
  • 100’s of discussion sections, 14 classrooms
  • Live video training & 1 on 1 coaching
  • Personal support from owners & veteran marketers
  • Friendly & very strict spam free environment
  • Flawless & hassle-free technical support
  • No up-sells ever, only premium upgrade
  • 800 000+ community members
  • Very lucrative affiliate program


  • Ocean of information – this well here is very deep – drink slowly & take your time!
  • Focus on your project too & try not to chat too much with your cool new friends
  • Excellent free membership to build your foundation, but in order to have access to advanced training you need premium upgrade
  • The biggest con in Wealthy Affiliate – There are no real cons to showcase, they’re THAT good


My personal experience – is Wealthy Affiliate scam or legit?

I’m Affiliate – Loving It!

The answer is simple – Do you like what you see here? If you enjoy nice looking websites with quality content, that is powered by fluent theme & takes you straight to the point, then there’s your definite answer – This is the magic of Wealthy Affiliate.

Yes, you can have one as well. Just like that. Everything here is built with the tools & guidance of Wealthy Affiliate. If you find this website appealing & approve its functionality, then you’ve just obtained a lot of direct insight about the incredible value Wealthy Affiliate can deliver to you.

On top of that, this web here is built by a complete newcomer in website building world, who didn’t even know what WordPress is. If me, as a person who didn’t have a slightest clue how to share a simple youtube link on social media channel, can do it, then you surely can do it.

You’re not limited to one site OR one method only – There are multiple ways how your sites can be built up, the choice is yours.

How can you make it work?


1Taking action:
Learn, learn more & always take action on the new things you learn.

Knowledge alone isn’t enough, you have to constantly put knowledge into practice to see what gets you results..

See what works well & what doesn’t.. what you like & what you don’t like so much.

Test, test more & keep testing. Start putting these tools into use.

Eventually it all leads to successful venture..

2Completing tasks:
The goal is to build your website – This is where your money is.

To do that, you’re going to complete daily tasks by following training that Wealthy Affiliate provides for you.

It’s engaging, it’s simple & it revolves entirely around the direction you want to take to make it work effectively.

It’s all about you & helping you to create online business..

3Helping others:
As you keep going, you’ll be learning a lot of new things & meanwhile..

..new members keep joining this community: As you become smarter & more experienced member you can help beginners too.

Give helping hand to people just like you, who are getting started & in the exact same spot that you were in some times ago..

It’s important, it’s useful, it feels great

Everything you do, you naturally become much better at.

Successful marketers are not born: These are people who constantly take action, keep learning, practice, make mistakes, fail..

..& gain experience by failing, keep working hard & keep putting in effort to create their reality.

Recipe for success is incredibly simple – It’s hard work & dedication..

Your dreams – Be stubborn!

Wealthy Affiliate – Success Stories
What kind of work will you do in Wealthy Affiliate?

You Try & Rock Your Niche!

Your daily job – “Content is King” as online marketers tend to quote. Your daily job will be blogging – It’s the “meat” part of your website that is essential & one of the very first steps in order to start earning any kind of revenue online.

In short – You’re a publisher.

Within Wealthy Affiliate you’ll keep following the online step by step training course to learn how to promote relevant products & services to earn commission. You’re going to publish posts & pages on your site about product reviews that you’re going to use to connect with your audience & potential customers.

Your overall work – In the long run you’ll keep building your very own niche website to scale your business. It’s not like you’re going to “sneeze” for once & it all magically appears there – No, it’s a huge ongoing process that’s being developed over time.

Wealthy Affiliate guides you how to scale your results – You naturally get better as you keep working.

Remember, having a website is a big deal that’s a real piece of business. It’s something that completely belongs to you & only you. Success is cumulative, not just random luck – Every little step you take contributes towards your overall success.

Your long term effort – Ultimate goal is to get your website pages ranked high in major search engines like Google, Bing & Yahoo: This is where customer is = This is where your money is.

Your dedication leads you to ultimate rewards – Create a successful long term venture for years to come

One of the best ways to achieve it is through SEO (Search Engine Optimization) that has proven its effectiveness over & over again. It’s a powerful yet FREE business model that you can use to monetize your entire project.


Easy to follow Online Course – Step by step tasks
Click on task & it takes you straight to the tutorial video – It’s as convenient & comfortable as it can get.
The whole idea is not overwhelm you & get things done at the same time.
The process how to build a successful website business is broken down into multiple courses, lessons & daily tasks.

Wealthy Affiliate Online Training 2016

It’s easy, it’s enjoyable.. You’re going to follow simple tasks, step by step, that takes you from most rudimentary stuff
such as setting up your account to the detailed marketing campaigns that you can effectively run with your website.
Literally everything you need to know to make it work..

Wealthy Affiliate Training Courses 2016.jpg

The Best part of Wealthy Affiliate

3 in 1

Wealthy Affiliate grants you access to free training, free website & free hosting. When it comes to trying out new things, & they cost for us, naturally we hesitate at first & likely get caught up in a thinking process how does it improve our current stance. If the thing we’re going to buy is going to serve us well & improve upon our situation..

..or do we simply get something that we don’t know anything about?
What about if it turns out being something unexpected, that actually isn’t bad, but not exactly for us & we can’t return it either anymore? It’s natural, we get curious but cautious as well.

Trust is very important. In Wealthy Affiliate case you get all the benefits to familiarize yourself with the product without any cost.

    No upsells – No hidden fees – No loans – No tricks

You can sign up for Free Starter Membership account – It will be yours permanently & it’s free! No prior or post expenses. It’s the big one here – to help you to become as successful as possible fresh out of the box, without making you spend a dime.

Wealthy Affiliate puts in tremendous amount of effort to take care of you as new member of community..
After all, you are the very reason, why WA is so successful.

You get support & guidance, as well as access to powerful web building software – to quickly help you to build a foundation to your own project for free. WA is generous – You get bunch of free stuff that no one is taking away from you. Ultimately they give you a freedom of choice, if it really is something you would like to work with to earn recurring passive income.


Who can benefit from Wealthy Affiliate?

Is it for you?

Speaking from experience, I highly recommend this online training to complete beginners. I remember, I was fearful about failure once I joined, I didn’t believe it will work.

Wealthy Affiliate has incredibly user friendly & spam free environment with easy to follow training courses. You’ll make a lot of new friends in learning process itself as well as earn profit. Meanwhile being built in a way to be extra convenient for all the newcomers, WA also scales, in its professional approach & all round ability, packed with endless support & guidance, all the way up to the expert levels.

The key moment about WA is its simplistic yet versatile nature to cover every possible aspect. Absolutely everyone can find a topic in WA to learn something new.

     The most comprehensive Internet Marketing School

Everyone who could use a little extra money, this is the absolute right place to be. That includes a massive audience, essentially almost everyone on this planet, which is around 7 billion people.

So, on the largest possible imaginable scale, it’s quite safe to say that everybody can benefit from Wealthy Affiliate. It’s also not a get-rich-quick scheme, you have to work for your income & always keep in mind, only by you taking action leads to your success! Experts can provide you all the guidance in the world, but nobody but you is going to build it for you.

Who wouldn’t love to have a bit extra cash? A little bit dedication & hard work will eventually pay off in long run – I recommend & encourage you to take action & you will succeed.

Hot topics – The most popular audiences who can benefit from WA


Complete demographics who are looking for new opportunities
Is Wealthy Affiliate Fool Proof?

Best Offers are Inexpensive

Regardless the fact, if you like or don’t like Wealthy Affiliate for whatever the reason, the upside will always be you gaining a lot of new, valuable experience without losing a penny. Experience, which is, in my opinion, the most important asset of them all.

A lot of modern people tend to have a reverse-type of thinking – If something has a high price tag on it, they automatically think this particular item must carry a tremendous value. Wrong!! Don’t be one of those folks.

For the price you pay for a hamburger in a fancy fast food restaurant, you could likely buy quadruple amount of vegetables instead from nearest grocery store. But which one of these contributes to a healthy life-style?
One is expensive well served hype on silver platter, other one involves little bit of your own research & work.

Instead of taking expensive road right off the bat, you should always seek the FREE ones. I remember, the day I signed up with Wealthy Affiliate I got suspicious right off the bat. I’m usually the stubborn type of customer that likes to decide ten times over if something is worth my time.

Luckily there’s an ultimate back-up I found out to validate Wealthy Affiliate – You can sign up with free account, which never expires anyways & you have an opportunity to simply stick around to investigate what’s going on. That’s about it & all the truth you are ever going to need.


It’s the same like signing in with your Facebook account & checking out what’s new, you don’t have to spend a dime to get in to Wealthy Affiliate. It’s completely fool proof to show you it really works & it’s designed to help you.

Special Bonus Offer for you - Take action & join Premium Membership for $19 - Couple of clicks & claim your bonus

Offer stands only if you join Premium within the first 7 days – You are going to get 59% discount on your first month Premium Membership

What’s good & what’s bad about this special offer?
1The Good – This is simply the best deal anywhere.. ..definitely the best deal for the items you seek in this particular offer.

It’s the combination of very low price & very high value – It’s very cheap yet you gain access to advanced training as well as high value tools & very powerful software.

Literally all the learning material & all the tools you’ll ever need to run a successful online business are available there. WA has already proven system for over a decade & ever since their main focus is on delivering quality product by putting emphasis on customer service.

On this type of market they’ve become completely unrivaled by its competitors. That’s very unlikely that you find a combination of powerful high value tools for such a low price anywhere online.

2The Bad –  This unique bonus offer is timed event..  ..your bonus offer is available for the first 7 days only & it’s simply way too short time to react.

You’re going to see a ticking timer once you sign up, that starts ticking down towards zero. I personally don’t like that at all & I see it as a marketing stunt.

It’s as inexpensive offer as it can get & technically it’s all good but I personally dislike it. Why? It’s manipulative stuff, a psychological trick to seduce a customer & not exactly in the nicest way, plain & simple.

In pure marketer language – A compelling offer to force customer to take action

The upside of this downside: Fortunately it’s the only “forced” offer Wealthy Affiliate has.

The tools in Wealthy Affiliate

Starter Membership                                                                                                 Premium Membership

What’s Special about WA Premium Membership?

Free OR Premium?

It’s exactly the same thing as free version but with more of everything – You get hosting space for more websites, your affiliate commissions are doubled, including to siterubix sub-domains you’ll get to host existing and/or new custom domains at WA.

It’s tremendously beneficial to be premium member
In short – Advanced stuff for advanced members 

1Free Member – Ideal package for complete beginners
You get three essential details to effectively start your very own online business without paying a dime:

  • Free website in siterubix subdomain
  • Free lifelong hosting to support your free site
  • Free basic course to become online entrepreneur

If you’re complete newbie, free membership can keep you busy for months – But in reality, new members are usually so eager, that it takes less than a month to complete it.

It’s about building the initial framework for your new website. Absolutely wonderful stuff, especially for those who have never done something like this before – It shows you exactly how to get easily started online without having ANY prior knowledge. Brilliant offer.

2Premium Member –  Ideal for advanced members
This is for those who already have completed basic courses & who are ready to step up their game.

  • Ability to transfer & host Custom Domains
  • Access to keyword tool with unlimited searches
  • In depth training courses to create your own brand

In this stage you likely have pretty good idea what your direction is. You know your goals & you’re ready to go after them full time.

You have your site up & running already, framework done & you’re ready to learn all the nifty tricks how get more exposure & connect with your audiences with ease. Exciting stuff, a way to learn how to be on top of your game & lead a successful venture.

In conclusion – Both versions, free & premium membership, are absolutely great & they fully live up to their promises

I still strongly recommend you to start with free version:
Remember: It’s a marathon not a race!
By the time you reach to the point you could join Premium version, you can see what’s Wealthy Affiliate all about..

..at that stage you will very likely already know for sure if you like this educational platform or not.

How much are these tools realistically worth?


What you are looking at now is easily minimum 250$ up to thousands of dollars per month fees if you’re about to search for each of these tools individually.  Take a minute & just think about it:

  1. You are very likely going to pay for website hosting
  2. You are very likely going to pay for effective website building tools
  3. You are very likely going to pay for keyword tools, with almost 100% certainty
  4. You are very likely going to pay for coaching fees, that can be outdated YET absurdly expensive

..you are NOT going to pay for these specific tools & services just for once only but you are going to do it on regular basis.
You don’t have to take my word for it.. Ask any marketer, they will tell you the same thing.

           Inexpensive yet delivers incredibly high value

 Anyone who’s got ripped off online knows exactly that the most hideous part is coaching fees which sadly is the broadest outlet for internet scams itself – Promising you to deliver “the secrets to success” meanwhile it can be full set of air castles.

Wealthy Affiliate gives a great chance to learn how to tell difference between Quality Product & a Scam

It is important to protect yourself from online scams & save your money for everything that makes a difference in the long run. I recommend you to start making money online in WA for free without taking any risks.


Good thing starts with Trust – Trusting leads to Longevity – Longevity means Success – Success converts into Revenue
Revenue is generated through honest hard work. Earning passive income through online project is possible.


Thanks for stopping by!
I hope you enjoyed reading my review & learned a lot about Wealthy Affiliate along the way.
Feel free to ask for assistance & share your thoughts by leaving a comment.


Hey there! I'm Henry & I'm a friendly fellow who started this website - I started about 1 year ago without ANY prior knowledge nor experience how to make a living online via affiliate marketing. In this short period of time I’ve achieved a lot - You can do it too! Feel free to follow my steps, so I can show you how..

121 thoughts on “Wealthy Affiliate – Review 2017

  1. Hello Henry. Nice post. Saves a lot of time and research. One of the things that trouble people that are new to online marketing is the patience that comes along with it. You won’t make money over night. Another thing that might scare people away is the hard work involved during the beginning phases. It is necessary to keep the content flowing. In the end though, the payoff will be great.

    1. Thanks Dan,

      Fortunately, it’s so cost effective.. especially building a niche website

      The biggest investment here indeed would be our time & the willpower to make it work

      After the hard work has been put in, website does not sleep, it earns you money 24/7

  2. Hello Henry,

    Thank you so much for sharing this useful information with me about Wealthy Affiliate. I really like the idea of building my own website and as you mentioned, Wealthy Affiliate will teach me how to do just that.

    Also, knowing that wealthy Affiliate will not only teach me how to build my own business website but also provides step by step video training on how to make money from my website is something that I really like.

    In addition to that, you mentioned that I can join Wealthy Affiliate for free on their free Starter membership and I think that alone strikes a cord in my heart, I mean, I can try their platform to see how it works so that if it is not worth my money I can decide to quit and no pay any money. So there is nothing to loose, isn’t it?

    I am going to sign up now to join the Wealthy Affiliate platform and start building my own business website.

    1. You get 2 websites for free, they’ll never expire – Take it for a test drive to see if this line of work is for you

      WA offers all the necessary tools, you just have to show up there
      It requires hard work to become accomplished, WA helps you to get started very quickly

      Starter member is everything you need to get going

  3. Hi Henry

    This really is an in-depth review of this awesome platform.
    What I really like about Wealthy Affiliate and what differentiates them from other similar online programmes is that they do not make any over the top income claims.
    They provide you with all the tools and support to start an online business and the rest is really up to the individual and how motivated he/she is.
    Thanks for the review

    1. The new SiteContent writing platform feature is just being released within WA &..
      ..it’s pure awesomeness, helps me tremendously to build out my sites.

      I’m glad you stopped by & like Wealthy Affiliate so far.
      Indeed, no auto-piloting, everything you do there you do by yourself, in the way you want to do.

      The web building tools are hands down & extra supportive, big time savers for everyone..
      ..who are serious about their long-term results. 

  4. A well structured and complete coverage of WA. You’ve mentioned the negative aspects of the program as well. Just like any other, WA too has pros and cons but the quality training and support is unmatched.

    Unlike other programs, WA claims nothing, no upsells, no quick rich schemes, nothing. WA teach success and we’ll get what we put in. WA doesn’t force us to do anything, we can try it out for ourself with free membership. That being said, some countries are banned to use free membership as a part of their security measures.

    1. Awesome, thanks for positive feedback Sethu,
      As an experienced member of WA, I’d say it’s a wonderful learning platform.

      The biggest drawback is the fact how massive WA is.
      So much information, so little time..

      ..because we all want quick results, don’t we, hehe
      Thanks for stopping by!

  5. After six years of searching online, Wealthy Affiliate is the only place I found that teaches what really works. The community is amazing. When I first joined, I felt like I had finally come home.

    To be sure, building an online business takes time, consistent effort and commitment, but the rewards are phenomenal.

    Wealthy Affiliate shows you the right way to do it so you don’t waste time or money. And, it’s free to join so anyone can try it and see if it’s right for them.

    1. I know that “finally come home” feeling Gary – Like you, I too searched for years!
      But for six years, that’s no easy feat..

      Couldn’t agree more. In fact, doesn’t matter, Online OR Offline business – Both take time & commitment to run

      BUT if we have to work anyways..
      ..let’s put our effort into something that’s risk free & benefits us

  6. The fact that this is already a proven system that has been up and runing for more than a full decade fills me with confidence – not many paid education platforms manage to stay afloat for this long!
    I also like the fact that it is all in one bundle and you have a free option to get you started with – how long did you remain a free member?

    1. I was free member about 5 days, then I signed up for Wealthy Affiliate bonus offer..
      ..& I’ve been premium member ever since.
      Within those few days they gave me something I had dreamed for years – My very own site!
      It baffled me, & after seeing the sheer value of this service, it was a done-deal for me.

  7. 800k & hundreds of more people are joining each day.
    Since WA is growing this fast, I’m kinda curious too to see how big this online community is going to be after couple of years..
    It’s getting better & better, this here is only one of my projects.
    Anyone dedicated enough can do this full time. I definitely try & get there as soon as possible.
    Chris, let me know if you need help with anything.

  8. Well if 800 000+ members are using this platform to learn their marketing journey there must be something to it…right?
    How long have you been a WA member and what is your success rate like so far? Do you think you will be able to do this full time at some point?

    1. That’s a pretty big assurance indeed, one that can’t be ignored for sure.
      I’ve been around more than a year, WA gets better by the day – They actively update their systems to provide even better service for the exact same price.
      The biggest success factor in my eyes is a returning visitor. Month after month that % of visitors is ramping up. That means you’re doing something right.
      I’d absolutely love doing this full time at some point.

  9. It’s really not that often that you come across a 10-year-old training community that teaches people how to start their own online business – really worth looking into I feel due to the legit reviews I seem to stumble into online!
    How long have you been using this platform and what success have you seen?

    1. I’ve been using WA platform over a year now.

      The Best part – Not only one chance for one successful business, but..
      ..UNLIMITED opportunities
      Because you’re learning the reins, the very methods that you can use not only in one, but in multiple projects.

      The sheer knowledge itself I’ve gained over the short period is simply tremendous success.
      Getting paid too is like an inevitable bonus on top of that.

  10. Making money from home on the computer, is made a lot easier with WA. I host earnrecurringrevenuefromhome .com on WA, I can say that the training is priceless on WA to build a sucessfull affiliate business. Success with affiliate marketing takes time, and people must realize that success isn’t created overnight. WA is one of the only ways to turn your passion into a business with little to no investment. Very helpful broken up content written in a way in which everyone can understand. Great review. Cheers!

    1. You’re making great points,

      Affiliate marketing is the best..
      ..but anyone who promises you riches overnight online is a scam artist.
      Paired with work & little bit dedication creating a passive income can go a long way.

      I absolutely love that fact too that only for couple of cents a day we can get all the education we need to earn money online.
      It’s wonderful to hear you’re doing so well with WA!


  11. Wealthy affiliate is one of the best ways to earn recurring commissions from home as an affiliate marketer! I host earnrecurringrevenuefromhome .com on WA, I can say that the training is priceless on WA to build a sucessfull affiliate business. Its unfortunate people miss out on the opportunities WA brings by thinking its a pyramid scam, when its not because you can sell anything of your passion. Thoroughly written, easy to understand for beginners, and most importantly very helpful in creating a business online. Great review of a fantastic affiliate program. Cheers!

    1. Thanks Cesario,

      I took some time to investigate what’s WA all about.
      Yeah, without breaking a sweat anyone can get up & running.
      I love it too how simple & achievable it all is.

      Thanks for letting everyone know that WA is real deal.
      It’s huge for affiliate marketers..
      Good luck with your project!


  12. Hi Henry, really enjoyed reading your review. I’m a member of Wealthy Affiliate and think you’ve mentioned all the things that WA has to offer. I also like how you were balanced with your review, you didn’t just talk about all the good, you mentioned some things that people have complained about. However, with everything that WA has to offer, it’s worth every penny.

    Wishing you all the best!

    1. Thanks Stephanie,

      Wonderful to see a Wealthy Affiliate member.
      It’s only logical that every place has its pros & cons.. as well as good & bad sides..
      I’m glad you like to agree on that.
      As WA creators themselves say – No system is ever perfect
      Luckily, there is so much positive & effective value that outweighs downsides.
      Worth every penny, couldn’t say better myself.


  13. Nice article on wealthy affiliate, sounds like a real legitimate program. Anyone interested in getting training to start a online business should consider this program, the cost is very reasonable.

    Are you a member of this program yourself, how long have you been involved with this program? Are you happy with your training here, how difficult is the training for someone with no experience?

    1. Hey there,

      About a year ago I started at Wealthy Affiliate with no prior experience.
      I’d never believe you if you’d say what I’m about to achieve in such a short time.
      No slowing down at all so far, that place is excellent – Choose your own pace & working hours..

      It’s easy to follow & the whole idea is to not overwhelm newcomers..
      Wealthy Affiliate provides the “shovel” & you have to do the “digging” part.
      Training comes in courses – Each course consists up to dozen smaller lessons & daily tasks.


  14. Hi Henry,

    Awesome review! Your page looks very beautiful and well written. Does wealthy affiliate offers a specific package to cater for different needs? For example, if I’m only interested in their online courses, is there any option for me to choose during the sign up process?


    1. Hello David,

      Excellent question!
      Once you sign up you get access to ALL the major functions of WA – Training, Web builder & Affiliate program
      There are no “partitions” on “unlocking” to gain access to each service separately that forces you to pay more money.
      No, you get access to them all at once & for Free.
      There is no obligation to anything – You can choose the ones you benefit from the MOST to carter your needs..

      Knowing the fact how truly vast Wealthy Affiliate is, no person would literally be able go through all the training materials WA has.
      Access to WA itself is a big package.
      The only upgrade is Premium Membership – An enhanced version for ALL the major functions of WA that you already have access to.


  15. Excellent Review man! You have covered virtually everything I need to know as a reader….except one. My question is: Can people who have built websites before joining Wealthy Affiliate move their existing web portfolio to the Wealthy Affiliate domain hosting? And will support still be provided for those websites?

    1. Absolutely Medu,

      Wealthy Affiliate has taken care of everything for you.
      Thanks for pointing it out, I can emphasize it even more now – Somewhere in the lines I mentioned that WA works either way:
      If you want to build a new business or expand the existing one.

      The answer is yes, you can transfer your existing web AND also host it at Wealthy Affiliate.
      Not only will you get support, in fact there’s a dedicated web building platform in place that monitors & backs up your site 24/7.
      Thanks for great questions & let me know once you need assistance with anything else..


  16. Hi, Henry!

    I’ve been around with Wealthy Affiliate for quite some months now and I can say that they have the best website builder so far. I like the Site Health feature on it where I can monitor both my website and my interaction on my website as well. It’s very important to monitor both our self and our website to make it active and growing. I also love the support system that Wealthy Affiliate offers, whenever I got some website issues, I just send them a ticket and responded in just a few minutes! This is a very great site and it works!

    1. Hey Ces,

      Exactly the same thing happens to me, it’s amazing how quickly the technical support in Wealthy Affiliate reacts to tickets
      I barely finish writing one & already get an answer..

      Absolutely reliable system regardless of our direction.
      It’s wonderful to hear that you’re loving it.
      For anyone who values the high-end technical part to get things done professionally yet seeks quick & hassle free shape Wealthy Affiliate is hands down platform to do it.
      The low price tag for this service is yet another amazing bonus on top of it.


  17. I certainly wish I had come across your website sooner! How long have you been with Wealthy Affiliate and did you have any previous knowledge or experience building a website? What if you have “zero” experience?

    The layout of your website is incredible. It looks like you sought out a professional website builder. Did you build this?

    Thank you and best regards!

    1. Hello,

      The more I’m doing it, the more curious folks get..
      Believe it or not but I actually started a year ago with no prior experience.
      I had absolutely no idea how to build a web.. or where to start one.

      Wealthy Affiliate gave me a great chance to start learning.
      BUT including to that, from day one, I set high standard:
      I said to myself that I won’t build just any site, I want it to be fancy..
      It hasn’t been easy road, but the end of the day it’s totally worth it.


  18. Hi,

    I must say, what a great job you did on the WA article. I love how you placed the right images in the right spots.

    Your content flows smoothly and is fun to read. You had the right amount of examples for bringing viewers to the conclusion of purchasing WA Program.

    I am a premium member and every dollar spent monthly is worth it. The lessons and forums were of great help to me.

    What software did you use to make some of your images appear slowly?

    Thanks for sharing,


    1. Thanks Tim,

      It’s so great to hear about success stories!
      Always happy faces from Wealthy Affiliate.

      Well, what you’re looking at is all about coding that gives special effects to content that you want to emphasize.
      In this case it’s animation kit that comes along with the package of this premium theme
      You can choose when, where & how quickly your content appears.

      Ironically, there’s also the opposite effect available:
      You can make your content literally disappear after certain period.
      Dozens of different effects that you can play with.


  19. I have been a member of Wealthy Affiliate for two years now and it is the best thing I have ever done online.

    I am finally learning to build my own online business and although it takes time, the efforts so far have paid off.

    Great layout on your review. Are you using a special theme to get this type of effect?

    1. Hey there,

      Yes Michel, it’s a premium theme designed by handful of industry veterans.
      It’s incredible versatile, fully retina ready & I’ve also put multiple customized elements into it.
      Technically, for a theme it’s as fancy as one can get..

      To my surprise, it’s not actually pricey – It’s pretty much the opposite.
      Exactly like Wealthy Affiliate, you’ll get very high value for low price.
      It’s absolutely wonderful to hear that you can vouch for WA as long term member.


  20. wow… , wow…, wow…, After Joining Wealthy affiliate, I thought I knew much about it but i knew little. This Amazing review says it all about wealthy affiliate. Guys, you need to check wealthy affiliate through the links on this website. The Author has really proven to the world that he know what he is talking about, has tried it and has worked for him. So what else do we need as a prove to join?
    Sign up now and get to achieve your dreams through wealthy affiliate.

    1. Hey there,

      Thanks for pointing it all out Jeremiah..
      Considering the fact how vast Wealthy Affiliate is it’s quite a task to list all of its benefits
      I’m glad you give thumbs up!

      It’s simply incredible how much information there is in Wealthy Affiliate.
      Absolutely wonderful to have you here to let everyone know WA is definitely a place for anyone who wants to learn something new.


  21. Wow, I really love your layout for your review and the review itself is downright awesome.
    I have been a member of WA for over 5 years myself and I agree with everything in your review, it is all fact.
    I am not only a full-time work from home kind of guy I learned how to do it through the WA program.
    Check it out folks, this guy is for real!


    1. Shawn,

      It’s great to have you here!
      It’s absolutely wonderful to know it’s a fact that Wealthy Affiliate not only gets you going but keeps you going.
      Let your message be testimony to all the beginners to know that WA is a real deal..
      5 years is a really long time.
      Thank you for sharing your experience & I wish you good luck for years to come!

      Best Regards,

  22. Hi I am a full time member of wealthy affiliate, a very comprehensive view of wealthy affiliate listing all the many benifits of WA and all the different types of training available to members of WA.

    After many years of learning online marketing for many years and never have I come across such comprehensive and easy to follow training as I have on WA

    I joined 18 months ago an have never looked back

    Thanks for posting this review it gives an accurate, comprehensive and honest view from a real member of WA

    For me the most attractive part is the free starter membership, people can join get all the benefits of free membership and then decide for themselves if it right for them

    Some of the best marketers on the internet have passed through the doors of Wealthy Affiliate


    1. Barry,

      You’re absolutely right, free stuff is always attractive
      ..& what’s even more attractive – Free stuff that has high value.
      Hard to find, but there it is, one of a kind.

      It’s wonderful to hear from you as fellow Wealthy Affiliate member..
      ..makes it even better to know you’ve been successful & have a story to tell
      I’m glad you’re pleased with my review as well as services from WA.

      There are not too many companies out there who can tell that some of the best have started with their help.
      Thanks again for you kind words!

      Best Regards,

    1. Thanks Rick,

      I’m glad you find my review useful.
      It’s incredibly easy to write about legit thing like Wealthy Affiliate..
      There’s a lot of good information available & WA community is just so helpful in every possible way.


  23. I am working through the WA course and am finding it exciting. Not only is it easy to follow but you also get to create your website as you learn.

    I was particularly interested to see success stories in your post. For me I have seen plenty of people who have been doing it a while or who have just begun. So it was encouraging to see that people are still within WA and that the system works for them. Thank you.

    1. You’re welcome Owain,

      It’s nice to hear from you!
      There’s beauty in simplicity as they say & Wealthy Affiliate is among one of them.

      It’s good to see that it’s encouraging for you to see some success stories.
      Meanwhile these are just simple personal blogs from people who have no intention to brag about anything..
      Just a part of every day life.

      It is known that WA teaching methods work well.
      Let me know if you need a helping hand with anything..
      I wish you good luck with your project!


  24. Wow, your description contains everything but is not overwhelming. I see myself in many of the categories of benefitting from membership in Wealthy Affiliate. Thanks for putting it all in one place.

    1. You’re welcome,

      It’s incredible how many people can realistically benefit from WA
      I never knew it once I started looking at it myself as well
      Thanks for pointing it out & thank you for your visit Susan!


  25. Hi there Henry,

    I am totally and completely with you say that WA is ideal for those just starting out, I’d go a little further and say it is great for semi-experienced and experienced affiliate marketers and bloggers also.

    I was “spinning the wheels” when I found WA and now as a Semi-newbie making money on a regular (monthly) basis. The community spirit and “mentorship” available inside from other members who are all willing to help.

    Best part for me is that it is not perfect, something Kyle & Carson recognize and strive to make it better on a continual basis.

    1. Hey Derek,

      I can relate to that.
      Indeed, it’s nice to see how down to earth the founders of Wealthy Affiliate are.
      The way these guys point out that no system is ever perfect & meanwhile they keep working to rise the quality of a high-value product.
      It’s absolutely wonderful to hear that you’re already making a good progress in early stages.
      Thanks for sharing your experience & success!


  26. Hey Henry
    It certainly is amazing to see all of the benefits available at Wealthy Affiliate. I have searched for the right place to start an online business for years. Always seemed to get the run around in trying to figure out what people are trying to sell. I’m always curious to see what is their newest way to make money online, fast and easy no doubt.
    I was surprised to see that you didn’t have any of that nonsense here. Only the facts and all well listed at that. Truly enjoyed reading the comments as well, it really shows that you have captured the interest and respect from your readers.
    The fact that you can sign up for free is of great interest, you don’t see that with any other web-hosting sites that I know. Speaking of hosting, can we transfer our current domains to Wealthy Affiliate? Can we also buy new domain names at from them?

    Keep up the great work…checking out the free sign-up right now!

    1. Thanks Paul,

      Excellent questions! I can answer with a yes to both of these questions.
      In fact, as member, you can transfer your domains in or out of Wealthy Affiliate at any time & as many times as you wish. With couple of clicks, it’s that easy.

      WA is also a domain registrar & it’s one of their newest features that I haven’t been able to cover yet.
      The custom domains you can buy from WA are way cheaper what other registrars are offering.
      Plus their domain prices won’t ramp up – They will remain at same price year after year..

      Let me know if you have any other questions..
      ..& good luck with your project!

      Best Regards,

  27. You are correct in saying that the community and training at Wealthy Affiliate is perfect for the newbie. This is exactly how I got started and I haven’t found a better platform out there.

    The sheer amount of training and courses is incredible and the step by step approach really helps a newbie grasp the concepts, as it walks you through exactly what to do. I was truly impressed.

    The community support is also second to none. I’ve gotten so many good tips and advice from hundreds of WA members.

    1. Elizabeth,

      It’s absolutely wonderful to hear that Wealthy Affiliate takes care of its members.
      Thank you for sharing your experience with us!
      The social aspect of this educational platform is just flawless.
      Friends, help & guidance everywhere.


  28. Hi Henry

    I thought that this article was impressive. The Wealthy Affiliate (WA) community is the only site that has like-minded people from all walks of life that helps people to achieve a lucrative online business where it’s almost like the City of New York: it never sleeps.

    You’re correct to say that WA is newbie friendly as I am a (Premium) member of this as well. No other program out there allows you to start an online business venture for free. WA is the only one, that I know, can do this. The good part to being a free member is that you can be a free member FOREVER as long as you like. There’s no time limit with that membership.

    Overall, I would like to thank you for this informative post. I hope that people who are looking to start on online business can benefit from reading this article.


    1. Thanks Armand,

      It’s absolutely wonderful to hear that you enjoy being in Wealthy Affiliate.
      I really like the comparison you have made – WA community never sleeps, it keeps going 24/7/365 no matter what
      There’s always someone there, someone asking questions & someone helping to answer them..
      Being incredibly beginner friendly was exactly the one thing that made me want to join.
      You & I know the more we keep going the better it gets.
      Thanks again Armand for your thoughts & support, I appreciate it!


  29. For a start i knew it was going to be a really positive review of wealthy affiliate I could just tell. I think tat you have outlined everything us visitors would ever require to know.
    It was a very informative review indeed and I feel it was completely transparent and that yu were holding nothing what so ever back from me, the reader. Great review kee it up my friend.

    1. Simon,

      It’s always a pleasure & easy thing to do to review a high quality product.
      There’s no other one like that out there.
      I’m glad you like all the positive stuff that comes along with it.
      Thanks for your feedback!


  30. Hi!
    Very nice review, I enjoyed the reading.
    Friendly reading, informative and well designed.
    You are for sure in the right path.
    But there is one point that I disagree with you; do you really consider that not allowing advertising there is a cons?
    I will keep visiting your site from time to time.
    Thank you

    1. Hey Daria,

      You made an excellent point & I totally agree with you.
      It’s funny, I actually don’t see no advertising as con either..
      It keeps WA environment super clean & spam-free
      I rather intended to picture it as one of the very few things that you are simply not allowed to do
      The biggest con with Wealthy Affiliate is that there literally are no cons..
      I hope to see you again soon!


  31. Hi Henry, I give your site a big WOW! Really looks great and content is to the point. I love the graphics and how they come in from the side. Really neat. Should give you good results. Joe

    1. Joe,

      Thank you for noticing the aesthetics side of my site as well as the content.
      I believe putting emphasis on both sides is crucial.
      Thanks for stopping by, I hope to see you again soon!


  32. I would love to finally find somewhere where I could safely learn my trade online….but everything seems very much to be a con or scam these days!
    I don’t know what it is but every opportunity I come across seems to worry me no end! So you feel that this affiliate education is completely scam free? Have you been there for long?

    1. Chris,

      I’ve been around for a year.
      I recommend you to start off with Free WA Membership – It’s excellent for starting solid foundation without you spending a dime.
      Upgrade version is pretty much exactly the same just more of everything but no need to pay for it right off the bat.
      Please, try to stay away from any kind of Multilevel Marketing & especially if you feel you’re a beginner. MLMs are designed to involve high risk & are likely going to generate debt not profit.
      To see the difference between the MLM & AM you can read my Affiliate Marketing article.
      Stay safe!


  33. Hey, I’m really glad I came across your website and your Wealthy Affiliate review. I was reading on different ways to make money online and was beginning to get frustrated.

    Everything just seemed like a scam or seemed pretty scummy. This is the first place that I’ve found that doesn’t seem that way.

    In fact this place looks incredible. I can’t believe you get so much for just 50 bucks a month. Some keyword tools alone are hundreds a dollar a month. You get a keyword tool, hosting, unlimited websites, training and most importantly, a community of like minded people.

    What an incredible place. Thanks for the review!

    1. You’re welcome Dylan,

      Yes, there’s an ocean of scams out there & this is the reality we live in.
      You & I know that earning passive income online is possible meanwhile scams have tarnishing effect on the real thing.
      I can relate to that shock as well, exactly how I felt once I discovered Wealthy Affiliate.
      WA premium membership is practically for free – Those 50 bucks are small token of gratitude for the tremendous value you get from all the tools included.
      No need to spend money on overpriced hyped up stuff.


  34. Another great website that does a pretty good job of promoting Wealthy Affiliate. I like how you not only talk about the pros of WA but the cons as well, although there really aren’t many. The design and layout here is very professional and makes it easy to read all of the good information the article has in it and the information is very helpful for those wanting to know more about WA. Great work on this website, Eatsoap.

    1. Indeed, pointing out the cons is incredibly important – I really like to show things as they are.
      The last thing we want would be an overwhelming brand loyalty – No system is perfect.
      There are multiple great tools out there, Wealthy Affiliate is just one of them to grow this list.
      Gilbert, I’m glad you like my site, thanks for giving it thumbs up!

  35. Very interesting concept. Looks like this is the complete package. I see many offers like this on the internet, what sets Wealthy Affiliates apart from all the other offers our there. You rated them at 98/100 where do you get rating from? I am wondering why I have not heard of this offer, it seems too good to be true. Thanks for Sharing

    1. High rating indicates to quality product, but at the same time no system is perfect.
      Rating is a big part of personal opinion – in other words, it’s about customers feedback.
      Therefore, customers think highly of Wealthy Affiliate as do I.
      Thanks for your visit Kevin! Let me know if you need help with anything else.

  36. I agree with everything you say as someone who has been a member of WA for many years. The community is great as well. So there is a lot of support for a new person who is just trying out. I always recommend Wealthy Affiliate to anyone who is interested in starting a home based business.

    1. Wendy, thanks for your testimonial!
      It’s great to know that I’m on right track..
      & also the newcomers will be who like to check out WA.

  37. very good review. easy to understand and the site is laid out properly. Quite entertaining and capturing. Good job Henry

  38. Hello,
    A great review for a beginner in wealthy affiliate,
    you did an excelent job,
    showing what the site can do in the life of an online job novice.
    I confirmed it myself I registered there, 2 months some days, I first develop some skills that normally I will not be able to do it myself.
    My encouragement to anyone to follow this example.

    1. Edmond,
      Thanks for showing us that Wealthy Affiliate is the real deal.
      Glad to see you sharing your positive experience with us.
      Let it be guide map for anyone getting started.

  39. Hey man,

    really nice and informative review! It’s one of the best reviews I’ve seen so far! WA really is a legit thing. I’m a member myself and I love it. Everyone who is interested in affiliate marketing should join, it’s really suitable for everyone!

    Keep up the good work!


    1. We finally discovered it, Wealthy Affiliate is affiliate marketing made easy.
      Awesome to see you making progress & loving what you do.
      This is what earning passive income should be all about – Making it fun & enjoyable
      Julius, thanks for so many kind words!

  40. Hey Henry

    Thanks a very comprehensive review man.

    Your site looks great for only doing this for a couple of months.

    Were you new to doing this before joining Wealthy Affiliate?

    I like the list of target audience potential too.

    Thanks for putting it together.


    1. You’re welcome!
      I got zero experience – I didn’t even know what WordPress is once I started in WA.
      I’m glad you like my site, in fact this here isn’t even premium theme yet, it’s merely the beginning.
      It’s going to get even bigger & better.. & it’s so much fun to do!

  41. Great work here. I really like the layout of this page and the information which you have provided is outstanding.
    You explain everything about “Wealthy Affiliate ” in simple terms.

  42. Excellent review, Henry. You nailed it when you said anyone can benefit from using Wealthy Affiliate to create a successful online business. One of the best things I saw when I joined was the fact there was no advertising within the site. Everything was focused on helping members build successful businesses.

  43. Hi Henry
    Thank you for a comprehensive and useful post, it si full of honest information, Since 4 months I joined Wealthy Affiliate community, I was new to business of making money online, for my good luck I found a plenty of countless and training materials that help me a lot, I can say proudly that I am the owner of two promising websites. The most awesome aspect of this community is the wonderful sperit of helping each other. It is really great.
    Keep up the good work, good luck.

    1. Thanks for stopping by & sharing your success with us!
      It’s very important & encouraging for all the newcomers to know that Wealthy Affiliate really works.

  44. Hey Henry! This article here is awesome! The layout is done very well and the information is easy to soak up. The comparison chart is simple to understand and it’s a great piece to help us newbies looking for an affiliate marketing community. I’ve heard lots of great things about Wealthy Affiliate I will for sure check it out. The starter pack seems to give a lot of great information for free, and that’s something that will take advantage of. Thank you again for the article. If I may ask, how long have you been with Wealthy Affiliate?

    1. Hello Michael,

      I’ve been with Wealthy Affiliate for couple of months.
      I believe beginners are the most important of them all & I like to support them with all of my knowledge.
      Let’s make things simple for everyone.
      Thanks for your support.

  45. Great review of Wealthy Affiliate. I have found it is so hard to know what to trust on the internet. There are so many scams out there. What I love about WA is that you can join for FREE and see for yourself. I mean how many owners stand by their product so much that they are willing to give it away? Amazing. Great place for beginners as you pointed out! Thank you for this!

    1. Wonderful, you are not alone!
      This is exactly how I felt once I started, with all of those scams around.
      We’re lucky, there still are good people left to help simple folks out.
      Also living on budget, paying bills, loans is reality for a lot of us, so it’s great to start your new project without giving a penny.
      I agree with you, it’s free to join & it’s a very big deal.

  46. I have always been curios about taking advantage of the online world. It is such a huge platform full of people, and many of them are buying products.

    The program you describe gives us the opportunity to create a free website correct? If I am able to create my own website that means I can have my own business online and reach all these people who surf the net. I will definitely give WA a try.

    1. Thanks Juan!
      This is exactly what WA offers to us – a free website without any hidden or additional fees.
      Including to free website you also get access to wonderful training course to get you started quickly.
      It’s excellent for every beginner since you can try it out with zero dollar coming out of your pocket.

  47. I like the charts that you used, and the idea of Hot Topics was an idea I have not seen used before. You done a good job of telling what wealthy affiliate is all about. I like how you done all this in your own words, made it feel more real.

    1. I’m glad you like it Harry.
      Thank you for pointing it all out. No chit-chat & straight to the point.
      Time is of an essence & we must make most of it!

  48. Hi there,

    Really great review.It is amazing to know that there is so many ways to earn income from the internet.Those images on your page really help make to better understand what affiliate marketing is about. Thanks for the information provided, I will truly use it to my advantage! By the way, how long will it take to start earning money thru affiliate marketing?


    1. Hey,

      Thanks, that’s an important question!
      As far as starting to earn money with affiliates goes, it boils down to our initial experience.
      Theoretically: Couple of weeks.
      In reality: Veteran marketers claim, that it takes around 3 months to take you as complete beginner to your first buck.
      Your learning curve is the time-consuming part, everything else is easy – WA has incredible tools!
      Success is cumulative: the more effort you are willing to put in, the faster you’re going to make it happen.

  49. Your blog is super clear and color attractive. Your explantions answer all my questions
    However, i have already tried some affiliate programs in the past and i had a lot of difficulty understanding because i have no real experience.

    I really desire to succeed and also i want to have my own website. Do you think a biginner like me can really succeed?

    thank you

    1. Hello,

      Wonderful! First off, you have the most powerful ability to begin with – Desire!
      That’s all it takes.

      I can assure you, you’re absolutely going to be successful with the guidance of Wealthy Affiliate. This is one of the top qualities of WA, as beginner, you’re going to receive proper, easy to follow training according to your experience level.

      You’ll never have to jump in to difficult schemes, right off the bat, that are hard to understand: It’s all about your experience! You’re going to build up your project step by step, starting from the most simple things in to-do list. WA shows you how.

      Success is very cumulative – all the smaller things you do will combine into one bigger picture.
      Once you sign up to WA, there will be initial “walk-through” process, with video tutorials, for all the beginners – instructions how to set up your profile & get you started quickly, including building your first website.

      Thank you for sharing your thoughts!

  50. Hello there,

    Great review for wealthy affiliate, for me it didn’t take a lot of time to realize that this platform is amazing after my first 7 days in wealthy affiliate I decided to upgrade directly as I got too much excited to build my own business and unlock the true learning tools and when I upgraded I knew that I made the right choice and now 1 month passed and I started to get some traffic and small gain from google Adsense which I feel yeah it works and by more effort I will get the financial freedom. thanks for sharing

    1. Hello Ehab,

      That’s exactly how I felt! And I also upgraded after first 7 days.
      Once you sense a good thing, it does not take long before you grab it all with of your 10 claws.
      This thing works, meanwhile it requires some serious work & dedication too, it’s so much fun to do it!
      Thanks for sharing your awesome experience!


      1. Yeah you are right it needs serious work, I am working full-time job so I face some difficulties but because I like what I am doing I don’t give attention to stress that comes from it.

  51. Hi,

    I didn’t know that you will get banned for trying to advertise something in WA, thanks for the information (although I don’t intend to advertise anything, it is just always good to know). You have a very thorough review of the Wealthy Affiliate and you left no room for questions. In fact, I learned a lot I didn’t know before! keep up the good work!

    1. Hey Pitin,

      Hehe, same thing here! I didn’t have a clue at start.
      For example, if you check blogging rules in WA, out of curiosity.. You can find a lot interesting stuff there about rules – Things that you can & can’t do.
      Mostly it’s set up with intention to keep WA environment spam free & friendly.
      But if you happen to recommend something to someone under banner of good will, with no advertising or flooding intentions in mind, to help them out, nobody is going to decapitate you.
      WA is all about helping each other.
      I’m glad you like my review!

      Thanks for your support,

  52. I like your review of Wealthy Affiliate. Very informative and very interesting breakdown of all what Wealthy Affiliate has to offer. In fact, you can find within the community everything you need for your online success: training, website builder, keyword tool, hosting, support, live chat and many more, all in one place. Looks like a dream, but fortunately, it’s not a dream. It’s not perfect, but it’s the most complete program I’ve come across so far. As a member of WA I recommend it.

    1. Hi Rufat,

      Pretty crazy right, a dream that isn’t a dream?!
      A multi-tool for success to take care of everything.
      Thank you for your support, it means a lot!


  53. Hi, this is a nice review of Wealthy Affiliate and it is very thorough. I like how you outlined the features of WA in your post. It is easy to read and I have a better understanding about WA now.

    I have heard about WA many times, but I have no clue what exactly they offer. After reading your post, I really think I should join this community. The free signup sounds nice, at least I can measure whether they are really worth for my time or not. A lot of programs in the market does not offer free trial membership.

    I’ve been struggling about making money online. I had bad experience with other affiliate marketing program and I am a little skeptical. So, I hope this is not a wrong place to begin my journey in earning money from the internet.

    Thank you. I will come back for more!

    1. Hey Alex,

      You’re in the right place & welcomed with open arms!
      I can completely relate to that feeling of being skeptical. Especially if it already has been a struggle along the road & many of us live on tight budget as well. These things are part of reality & they can keep piling up, so it’s wonderful to finally see light at the end of the tunnel.

      You’re absolutely right, Wealthy Affiliate truly sets a big benchmark for everyone else online with its free starter account – Nothing like we’ve seen before.

      Thank you for your comment!

  54. Hi Henry,
    You have done an Awesome job introducing what Wealthy Affiliate is and stands for. When you first get to this community, you feel like you are right at home. The free starter membership gives you everything you need to learn how to create a revenue to pay for your Premium Membership.
    Yours Truly,

    1. Hi Carlton,

      Thank you for kind words!
      Indeed, joining WA feels like home – You get a warm welcome & at the same time you don’t have to jump on anything.
      Stress free yet productive environment


  55. I thought you organized the WA information extremely well. Everything made sense. I was thinking about doing this and I can see how it’s done now. It was interesting how you focused on WA only. It really made me want to sign up!!! You took the site information and explained it very methodically.

    1. Hello Karen,

      I’m glad you liked it!
      It’s been a pleasure to do so – There are so many good things about WA, making it even more effortless to spread the word.
      Thank you for your attention


  56. Hey i really like the design of the website and it looks really nice. Everything is easy to navigate and you can jump from article to article.

    Wow wealthy affiliate really looks like a tremendous website. This is really nice to see since there are so many scams on the internet. It really looks like the owners care whether or not you succeed.

    Thanks for the information. it was def worth the read.

    1. Hi Dylan,

      Thanks for pointing out all of this! That’s exactly what we strive for.
      Instead of just making things happen, we want to deliver quality & care at the same time.
      A set of small nice things, but having a big impact!


  57. Wealthy Affiliate is the most legit way to make money online. All you need is a computer and some internet. Also whats more important is you need time. I know some people think they might start making money right away but its more of a long term process. Its going to take some months even if your working hard and that could be discouraging for people who want to “make money fast” which are usually scams that’s why I am with them as well. No scam, no credit card required so might as well give it a try.

    1. Hey there Brandon,

      You’re absolutely right! Longevity is the name of the game.
      It’s hands down lucrative venture & it requires our investment to build its engine up to make it work for us.
      Once it starts rolling, it will be persistent & very fruitful which is all about it.

      Thanks for your support,

  58. Very engaging opening with the pictures. I have decided to become a member of Wealthy Affiliate, and I must agree with you. The benefits of building your business with this community is absolutely unmatched. I was not a big fan of “communities”, that was because I was only apart of a sea of sales attacks, not so here. This community is REAL and HELPFUL.

    1. Greetings William,

      Precisely! I couldn’t find better words myself.
      Neither was I too much of a fan of communities, but WA with its versatile structure takes it to the next level.
      Also, introverts won’t be forced into spotlight, which was big one for me, as I am one.
      I’m delighted that you like the imagery – A worthy product deserves a well meaning presentation.

      Thanks for stopping by,

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