How to Find Good Keywords for Free?

Type in a Keyword to begin your Search!

What makes Jaaxy One of the Best Keyword Tools?

Simplicity & Quality..

There are plenty of keyword tools out there but that’s the reason why you want to go with this one – Quality over quantity.

If you have used keyword tools in the past you likely know, that most of them provide a lot of data in combination of metrics & numbers. In order to benefit from them, you have to make sense from all of it meanwhile most of these keyword metrics don’t have number values.

In other words – Most keyword tools are completely useless to you! No need to spend your money on something that makes your life much more difficult.

Keyword research should be fun to do, since you are going to do it a lot. Here I’ll show you simple & convenient yet professional way how to find all your important keywords.

  • Powerful yet very simple & easy to use – everyone can do it
  • Very easy to understand – no complicated schemes
  • Fast & very accurate research result for each keyword research
  • Check domain availability by using search within Jaaxy
  • Support team – It’s fast, professional & helpful
  • No need to install any software – Jaaxy is online application
  • No additional cost – Jaaxy uses proxys for accurate results
  • Quality metrics only  No excessive nor unwanted info
Why Finding Keywords in Correct Way is a Big Part of Your Success?

It’s not coming as surprise anymore – There’s an ocean of misinformation out there on internet & as a result of that most people tend to perform their keyword research completely wrong. Don’t be one! There’s no need for that.

You want to be successful at finding keywords & might as well do it right on your first attempt

Ultimately there’s only three things you have to look out for the most :
1. Competition of keyword 2. Traffic to that keyword 3. Your keyword must make sense!
That’s about it in a nutshell. Proper keyword tool is essential to provide you with quality information.

Fast & Accurate way to “Money Making” Keywords
Why is Jaaxy the only Keyword Tool you’ll ever need?

It’s Fast.. It’s Comprehensive..

Jaaxy creators claim that Jaaxy is the one & only tool that you will ever need for complete keyword research. There’s a clear reason why they say like that – Including to keywords, you can literally tap into domains, niches & under-served markets in a very precise & quick way. No useless data, you get only metrics that makes a difference & that you ultimately need.

I can completely stand behind this statement, because there is no waiting, no sitting around nor huge amount of pointless data that you must dig through – It’s wonderful to get immediate results meanwhile you can see everything online without a need to download any files. It’s simply a huge time saver – Time is money as we all know.

In other words, Jaaxy enables you efficient keyword research that goes beyond regular search helping you to reveal quality data instantly without further research. There simply isn’t any other research platform that has powerful abilities like this. It’s fun, easy to use & it makes sense. It’s an asset for your online business.


Jaaxy – Who is it for?
Time = Money
The more time you spend on research, the less time you have for the actual creation of your websites
Instead of wasting hours on research, you can use Jaaxy to seek out the quality metrics for successful campaigns
  • Affiliate marketers
  • Niche marketers
  • PPC marketers
  • Internet marketers
  • Local marketers
  • Local businesses
  • Keyword companies
  • SEO companies
  • Webmasters
  • Site flippers
  • Domain buyers
  • Domain owners

Experts claim that a single keyword can lead to $1000’s per year in revenue. Same thing with domains – A single domain purchase can lead to $1000’s in revenue. Imagine now if you could have unlimited access to these hot keywords & domains..

Including to that you get ability to make research on your own sites as well as your competition. Jaaxy is great tools that is specifically designed to do that in matter of seconds. You can reduce the search time you spend finding keywords from hours to minutes. It’s a very big deal.

Jaaxy is incredibly easy to use yet professional – That means this tool has very large audience, literally everyone who’s interested in keyword research can benefit from it. It’s a win-win situation for everybody to get things done quickly.

Find Top 6 Keyword metrics – Jaaxy makes it easy
  1. Monthly Searches (MS) – The average traffic keyword search number.
  2. Estimated Traffic (ET) – This metric shows the actual traffic per month.
  3. Keywords Quality Index (KQI) – Keyword quality for your campaigns.
  4. Quoted Search Results (QSR) – This is your ultimate competition metrics.
  5. Search Engine Optimization Power – Determines SEO keyword power.
  6. Domains Availability – Keyword search displays you available domains.

How to keep using Jaaxy for Free?

Earn Free Search Credits

Sign up for FREE & keep using FREE version of Jaaxy: There’s a simple way how you can earn free search credits for Jaaxy as a free member of Jaaxy – Technically, an option how you can use Jaaxy keyword tool completely free all the time.

How does it work? Your task will be simply by letting other people know about the Free version of Jaaxy – It’s incredibly easy to sell, because in fact, you are not selling anything at all. You are giving away free access to one of the best keyword, market & niche research tool available online.

  • Get 1 sign-up = 10 search credits
  • Get 10 sign-ups = 100 search credits
  • Get 100 sign-ups = 1,000 search credits
  • Get 1,000 sign-ups = 10,000 search credits


Every member that joins Jaaxy becomes instantly an affiliate – That means you can promote Jaaxy through you personal affiliate links. For every person that you refer to Jaaxy you will earn credits. Credits can add up very quickly, many members that share Jaaxy are using this keyword tool full time for free. Once you  refer someone, the credits will go directly into your Jaaxy account.

How to earn Free search credits in Jaaxy

Jaaxy comes in three versions – Free, Pro & Enterprise

Free version provides you with 30 free keyword searches & fully unlocks affiliate program. Pro & Enterprise are mostly the same but with couple of added features, plus they provide you with much more speed & more keyword search results.

Here’s also a video example to help you to compare the two upgrades & to find the one for better keyword research results.

Let’s compare upgrades – Jaaxy Pro VS Jaaxy Enterprise

Top 7 features – Jaaxy Enterprise
  1. Instant results for competition – You gain precise & instant understanding how competitive keyword is. The very moment you have access to keyword competition you are able to tell how easy it will be to get ranked in Google by using that specific keyword. It’s a task that could take hours in other keyword tools but with Jaaxy it’s just a matter of seconds. With the Jaaxy Parallel Results Technology you’ll not only get competition data for one but for ALL the keywords simultaneously. This is your #1 feature if you seek to rank on Google first page.

  2. Instant Site ranking – Where are you ranked with your page? Great question & Jaaxy helps to give you the answer.. instantly! A lot of folks are creating content for their sites regularly & they get curious how well their content is doing, where is it ranked. There’s a way to do it manually by clicking through the dozens of pages of search results in Google OR you can let Jaaxy do it for you & get instant search results for the first 200 results in Google. Just one click, instead of going through all that trouble. Absolutely amazing stuff for SEO marketers.

  3. Instant domain availability – Keep an eye on the highest value domains available out there like .com .org & .net that you will retrieve instantly within every search you perform. You should always remember that domains are like real estate – Their value keeps growing as time passes. They’re literally gold mines for online marketers. No other service or tool within the industry offers the instant domain results like Jaaxy Enterprise does. A great way to find high value domains, exact match domains to build up your domain portfolio.

  4. Instant “screen & sort” – Another feature that makes Jaaxy so much more powerful & useful than other keyword tools out there – Sort your keywords searches, competition & proprietary filters like Keyword Quality Index, Quoted Search Results, Estimated Searches & Monthly Searches with a single click. Find the data YOU WANT to find without going through any additional searches. Get the results you want & save up a massive amount of time you spend on your monthly keyword research activities. Pre-sort & customize your search results.

  5. Instant quality data – The creators of Jaaxy have over 20 years of experience in the keyword & market search realm – These are online marketing veterans who use that tools themselves as well & they’ve intentionally put together a tool that delivers only the most important data. Jaaxy Enterprise has a highly specialized engine that provides data for you INSTANTLY like no other keyword research tool available on internet. All the meaningless data is filtered out – Only quality metrics, no inflating or unusable bogus data.

  6. Fully mobile ready – PC, Mac, Android, iOS.. you name it! Jaaxy literally works from anywhere – Unlike most of the keyword tools that you need to download, you can access Jaaxy online platform from anywhere in the world & on any device. All you need is internet connection you’re good to go. Jaaxy is state-of-art & the only online based research tool that provides you data that makes sense & you can benefit from. No annoying Captcha codes nor blockage of service – Get your research done even if you’re waiting in line at the grocery store.

  7. Access to exclusive updates – Everybody likes cool new stuff. Jaaxy platform is constantly evolving & improving the service at Jaaxy. As a member in Enterprise version you will also get an exclusive access to brand new systems & products that developers are going to be releasing exclusively to the Jaaxy Enterprise membership only. The biggest benefit of being member is that you get access to all of the future updates for no extra cost. Save a ton of money & get high quality service.
Free Bonus Gifts

How to Grab 3 Bonus Gifts with Jaaxy?

Simply log in with your Free Account..

Simply create your free Jaaxy account, log in & download your awesome free bonus gifts.
These titles pretty much say exactly what kind of info these files contain – Want to know more? Take action & grab your copy.

  1. Bonus #1 – 1000 High Traffic, Low Competiton Keywords – These are handpicked keywords for your SEO success
  2. Bonus #2 – Niches, Keywords, Success – Learn how to uncover hot niches in minutes to take advantage of them
  3. Bonus #3 – Domain Industry Secrets – Learn how to uncover low cost domains & sell them for much more.
Leverage from a Lucrative Affiliate program
How to Earn revenue with Jaaxy Affiliate Program?

It’s Free.. It’s Lucrative!

These guys have thought about everything, haven’t they? You should know that Jaaxy Affiliate program is free to join – Your task will be simply referring people to Jaaxy. For each referral you gain, you’ll earn recurring revenue on monthly basis.

Once you join Jaaxy you’ll automatically become an affiliate – It’s free to promote & it’s lucrative for you

This is the kind of affiliate program where your referrals credit won’t expire – Each time your referral pays for Jaaxy you will earn recurring commission each & every month. It’s very lucrative affiliate program opportunity, try not to miss out!

These numbers add up very quickly. Technically, recommending it to couple of people means that it becomes free for you – You’re simply going to earn enough money with Jaaxy itself to pay for it.

Jaaxy potential doesn’t stop here – How much can you earn? To show you that, within Jaaxy you can always use earning calculator to test different scenarios.

Calculators consist referral numbers per day, conversion percentage rate & retention. Here’s an example how it looks like & how much profit you can generate for your effort.

These are realistic numbers that people like you are actually earning every month as part of their income.

Here’s something more from Jaaxy creators..

Here’s something more from Jaaxy creators – An online educational platform that teaches you how to lead a successful venture – A complete package, convenient & practical way to start earning full time income online. Also, if you haven’t yet, you can learn the basics, build your very own website & start your entire online project completely FREE


Thanks for stopping by!
I hope you enjoyed reading my review & learned a lot about Jaaxy along the way.
Feel free to ask for assistance & share your thoughts by leaving a comment.


Hey there! I'm Henry & I'm a friendly fellow who started this website - I started about 1 year ago without ANY prior knowledge nor experience how to make a living online via affiliate marketing. In this short period of time I’ve achieved a lot - You can do it too! Feel free to follow my steps, so I can show you how..

6 thoughts on “Jaaxy – Free Online Keyword Tool

  1. Thanks for the informative review on Jaaxy. I myself use it quite often, and like you say it is, I agree with in the sense that it is fun and easy to do once you get the hang of it. Did you know that you could actually use Jaaxy to spy on your competition? You can enter their website into the Siterank tool, and the competing keyword to see where they rank at.

    1. Ha, essentially we’re spying on ourselves – The biggest competitor stares back at us from the mirror.

      Jaaxy has many of the neat tricks an online entrepreneur would ask for.

      Checking out where you rank at means having an awesome leverage.

  2. There are and have been many keyword tools out there. This is the best that I’ve ever seen. It’s is thorough in the keyword searches with number of searches and keyword competition. It has many features and offers 30 free keyword searches. You cannot succeed online with the right keywords. At $19 a month, it pays for itself.

    1. It’s fast, it’s convenient, it offers a chance to use it for free.
      And on top of it, most importantly, metrics in Jaaxy makes sense.
      Rob, it’s good to hear that you’re liking Jaaxy so far!

  3. Henry, I’m not sure that I have seen more impressive websites than yours. Your Jaaxy Review is very detailed and makes great use of images and screenshots.

    If I was not already a Jaaxy user, I would be after checking out this review post.

    You have set the bar very high for the rest of us in terms of providing helpful information!

    Thank you,


    1. You’re most welcome Miles,

      It’s always a pleasure to write reviews about excellent products – There are so many good things that you can say about them.
      Jaaxy keeps growing as well as Wealthy Affiliate, this is by far not the end of it, we’ll see even better versions of them in future.

      I’m glad you’ve enjoyed what you see here.
      I appreciate your kind words!

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